Just a list of the free-thought 'celebs' I especially love listening to, learning from and imagining myself 'cuddling' with relating to.
Laci Green - Critical thinking, grrl power AND voluptuousness. Rawr!
M.E. Anders - Not just a cult survivor, but a "cult slayer"! I adore this strong, quirky, and beautiful redhead.
Tim Minchin -Funny atheist + talented musician + bare feet = ♥ Then there's that wild, red hair ...
George Carlin Intelligent, dirty old men make me tingle ... I'd sit on this grandpa's lap! Seriously, such an amazingly hilarious free-thinker. (RIP)
Eddie Izzard - Wit + atheism + cross dressing warms my soul hole, apparently. Seriously, this guy is great!
Dr. Michio Kaku - Squee, I just LOVE Dr. Kaku! Japanese, wild scientist hair and he makes physics understandable! What more could you want? Not a free-thought advocate per se (?) but awesome none-the-less!